Friday 30 March 2012

白羊座   個性衝動的白羊,按理說是不會有什麼等候的動作,哪怕是一個暫停的想法,也很難在他們的心中浮現,因為不管是機會還是遙遠的未來,都是他們追尋著跑,等待只會錯失,只是,當奮力拚搏換來的是一場空,當努力爭取的快樂被證明只是曇花一現的假象,白羊平靜的告訴自己,是該稍作休息的時候了,回頭看看,因為跑得太快而錯過的風景,原來那麼美,暫且等待一下,等待收拾好過往的得失,等待自己真正想要的,再銜接未來。

Thursday 29 March 2012

From Back to back

After a long dream that mesmerizes, confuses and blinds, I've finally awoken. It was not an unrealistic and illogical dream. Instead, it was a sweet and memorable one which I wanted. However, once you are awake, it vanishes whereby you need to face the ugly and merciless reality again.

Tuesday 13 March 2012
