Thursday 12 September 2013











Saturday 7 September 2013


白羊的人生可以用两个字概括:纠结。不管从哪一方面来说 白羊本身就是一个矛盾的个体。与白羊相恋须知:1.很慢热 我很冷漠 2.很直接 讨厌转弯 3.不喜欢说话 也不喜欢你太吵 4.喜欢自由的感觉 讨厌啰嗦 5.心智很成熟 看事很透彻 6.很绝 7.需要行动证明你爱我。
羊羊内心都很善良很柔软。羊羊内在的感性绝对不会亚于双鱼,羊羊真的是毫无心机地活在这个世界上,TA善良得如此无私,往往让人觉得不真实。TA很怕很 怕被人误解,尤其是被自己在乎的人误解。羊羊其实本身真的很正直,确实耍不来心机,即使不被理解,被误解,也依旧试着解释。
白羊的反击力很强,吵架的时侯,羊羊可能会说一些很让人伤心的话,相信我,羊羊真的不是故意的,那是TA的直觉反应,吵架就是要吵赢嘛!羊羊很可能一说出口就 后悔了,可是经常很难拉下脸来,衷心的道歉。不要跟白羊生气,放TA一马我保证TA心里会很感激,对你加倍的好。

To Myself

Old song, old days, old memory, old dream...
Where was the guy from those days?
He is never back anymore.

"And it's hard for me to lose in my life
I've found outside your skin right near the fire
That we can baby
We can change and feel alright"

Tuesday 3 September 2013

It is a cycle.

Things always happen the way they should. Nobody has the power to exert control over the occurrences. As minute and powerless beings living in the vast universe, we know we can do nothing more about the chaos. So, silently and helplessly, we choose to back off and expect their next visit. We wait. Waiting desperately in a suppressed feeling over the approaching doom. Painfully, it is probably as much we can do about it.

As wind, they come and go. They, sometimes, bring a layer of dirt that covers your territory of domicile, transforming your home into an eyesore so effortlessly. Sometimes, they bring water vapour that is so refreshing, saving you a smile for the day. Whatever they cause and bring along on their visit, a small level of damage is left behind. Corrosion, rusting, deterioration and wear off  are only some minor effects of the entire process might ultimately bring.

Yet, to sit back and observe the process to take place, is by far the most rational way to deal with it. Aint we all eventually learn to accept at the final stage of grief and loss?