Tuesday 13 September 2011


Sunday 11 September 2011

Friday 9 September 2011

Thanks blog, again you make me lighter.
I'm a bitch if I disactivate you.

A request

Final exam is around the corner.
Somebody must be thinking that I'm out of my mind,
wasting my time on blogging.

You're not wise if you think me this way.

Simply approach and gimme a hug will be more useful.

To my lonely friend

Single Bach.,
Today I talked to him again, as usual, he's always lonely.
I could only see the emptiness he has about his life.
He repeated the same sentences to me.
Although the same words again but this time, it's more emotional.
He didn't express it directly to me.
However, if you look into his world, the feeling should be so intense.
He still, thought that I'm an adult regardless numerous times explaining the truth to him.
I'm just a kid. I have my right to laze around and pretend like 2012 is not coming.
Arh...Some friends just see me old when talking seriously with me.
(Simply old, not mature)
Funny to say, people who know me in real life will only link me to immature image.

He was not drunk today, and was happy to see me online.
As I was more badly hurt today, I could hardly comfort him like I used to do.
He should realize this too seeing my appearance in that world.
I wouldnt go there unless something unpleasant drove me.

From the bottom of my heart,
Im really happy to've someone whom I dont really know but we can talk.
I'm not afraid leaking out my secrets to him.
This old man lol of age 30+ is truly my refuge,
providing a safe place for me to calm my mind.
He understands how I feel as well, maybe he really thinks I'm at his age.
The kind of thinking has influenced the impression towards me.
Well, I'm not at my late 30s as he is, somehow we share the same problem.
We are overwhelming by emptiness and loneliness.
I have everything I want, just the matter that, I need some emotional and mental support.

I'm not sure about the cause, could it be related to years of doing things alone?
Consequently, I'm so used to live alone, till fate decides to make me so.

He told me he was all alone, no gf, no family, no noone...
I understood his feeling, I swear now! I felt so deeply!
But, dude, I was not in a good mood too.
How did you expect me to find way to mend your broken heart?
I couldnt just tell you that I was too, about to lose my mind today?
And, you shut the hell up....
You need to know the reason why I was there, and so, you'd see me.

You offered me something today.
I know that's the strategy to keep me from leaving there.
Sadly, I need to overcome something.
I've to back to my own little chaotic world to fulfill some damn missions. << lol
Although your offering was tempting but apparently, the real world is a better place for me.

Dude, I hope you can be my friend forever.
I need a place to speak...about anything private.
I can keep your feeling, I dont mind only the bad ones you ask me to keep for you.
But, you must also keep mine with you in returns, then bring it away from me.
So, I'm safe....

I'm facing problem now, I dont know how to go through this moment.
You're 2 times the number I am. I'm sure you had that problem too.
Now, I'm still like a kid and suffocated by something.
I've so many thoughts and feelings spinning in my mind,
I know you'll understand how I feel if I really voice out.

You dont like competition too, right?
I know you, because we're having the same fate.
So, we do share some other similarities..........

I wish you well, dont be so moody.
Get ready for listening my good news which I hardly make one for sharing.

And yeah,
I wont forget what you've requested me to do...
you poor beggar. LOL


I'm not respiring.
Do thing slowly, Chin Ang.

Thursday 8 September 2011

Miss Sujatha

We all love the many exercises given by Miss Sujatha.This's the 1st time I ever see a class of students never really complain about getting too much of homework to do.The lecturer gives us confidence in speaking,guides us step by step,to learn the subject efficiently.She actually plans for us in the sense of helping us to improve.I believe most of her students will rate her 5/5 on AES in appreciation of her effort.She is a very responsible teacher and definitely deserves more than a 5/5 rating.It is my 2nd semester in MMU,and this has made me so proud to be here.Through Miss Sujatha I'm convinced that quality teacher ensures quality education.Thus,we are quality students under MMU's 5 years of quality learning.A thousand thanks to Miss Sujatha & MMU.

I hope I never overly wrote her on AES.
I think she's awesome.

Patience is not virtue!!!!!!!!! Fxxk wrong!

Great explosion.

I have lost my temper. Dont ever think I'm stupid, it's me letting you all leeching.
Apparently, you fond of playing mind games around. This is not the thing you should do.
Since you're the cause of the problem and causing me going so far to hurt myself, trust me,
you will be regretful of your stupidity for bringing out the issue.

You are wrong.

Sunday 4 September 2011

H - Having
A - Anger
T - Towards
E - Everybody
R - Reaching
S - Success

Friday 2 September 2011

The beautiful seed

Whenever I'm unhappy,
I will definitely think of my parents about how they had gone through their days of hardship.
They come from so far, hand in hand.
Together, they walked through adverse situation bravely without complaining.
They accept it.
They do not chase for wealth nor prosperity in life.
A safe and peaceful day will be the greatest gift for them.

I believe that I'm blessed.
I am always protected in the arms of my parents.
They are the angels who come by and wash away my sorrow.
They enlighten my day with light and laughter.
And, make me a healthy and happy boy again.

Thanks for everything given to me.


Have my eyes opened

How great if I can be happy and in a good mood all the time.
Sadly not now.


It has finally come to an end.