Thursday, 20 September 2012
Sunday, 16 September 2012
There is a time and season for everything
It may be a time of new beginnings, a time of growth, a time of reaping the harvest of hard work, or a time of rest. Trust this beautiful order. Everything in its time.
Thursday, 6 September 2012
The Encouragement
She saw me behaved like a zombie that day. She never knew I could be so down ever. She attempted to understand my problem but I knew she wouldn't be able to even if I told her my story. So I remained silent.
Few minutes had passed, before leaving, she took out a candy from her bag and gave it to me. I didn't want it at first because I had not been eating it for years. But I kept it at last due to her insistence.
Maybe like they said, I was so senseless. I didn't know the reason behind the candy given to me. But I guess I know it now.
Few minutes had passed, before leaving, she took out a candy from her bag and gave it to me. I didn't want it at first because I had not been eating it for years. But I kept it at last due to her insistence.
Maybe like they said, I was so senseless. I didn't know the reason behind the candy given to me. But I guess I know it now.
I have not given up on myself.
The whole world can look down on me. People can hate me but I wont give up on myself. When everyone is putting me in comparison with others, they forget that I am still good in my way. It is unfair to be judged and compared by your way. I will not live with your criticism forever. I'll make sure that you eat your own word and regret about your despicable action today.
It's my own fault for putting myself in a safe position too long. While others was taking time improving, trying to adapt to the turbulent environment, i was too busy enjoying my life. I just realized that i have been stagnant for quite a while. I'll be competent again someday. And I'll prove to the people that I'm not the old dog.
I always have tricks up my sleeve.
It's my own fault for putting myself in a safe position too long. While others was taking time improving, trying to adapt to the turbulent environment, i was too busy enjoying my life. I just realized that i have been stagnant for quite a while. I'll be competent again someday. And I'll prove to the people that I'm not the old dog.
I always have tricks up my sleeve.
Tuesday, 4 September 2012
No citation, sorry.
“温水煮青蛙”来源于19世纪末美国康奈尔大学科学家做 过的一个“水煮青蛙实验”。科学家将青蛙投入已经煮沸的 开水中时,青蛙因受不了突入其来的高温刺激立即奋力从开 水中跳出来得以成功逃生。当科研人员把青蛙先放入装着冷 水的容器中,然后再加热,结果就不一样了。青蛙反倒因为 开始时水温的舒适而在水中悠然自得。当青蛙发现无法忍受 高温时,已经心有余而力不足了,不知不觉被煮死在热水中 。赞同支持观点这个道理告诉人不能失去奋斗冲劲。
這個實驗也表明了,在我們現實生活當中。我們人類的生活 太過於安於現狀。總覺得現在的生活可以過的很好,但未來 確是未必。當整個世界慢慢的改變時,我們就好像正在處於 一鍋的冷水慢慢的煮沸一樣,不知不覺自己怎麼被淘汰我們 並不知道,就好像那隻青蛙被煮死在熱水噹中。
所以,您要選擇怎樣的人生呢?有一個網友這麼說到【你今 天做的选择可能是会决定你将来的生活,如果你回想了,你 还停留在你3年前的思想,地位.做的东西还是一样,那你 接下来3年你还是会做同样的事情,你也会同样的安于现状 ,怪别人不给你机会,上天不公平,工作时间长,薪水少, 没有关于任何改变生活的课程,认为投资都会亏钱,认为做 一辈子的工作就能过一生.教育下一代努力读书,替别人打 工赚钱,怪政府无能,油价乱起,物价飙涨,屋价起,朋友 赚钱是干瞪眼,年纪轻轻架豪华车时必定说是父母买给他们 的...这就是人的本性.......安于现状。有人说 过:人的一生只能活一次 , 如果明知道会后悔还不去尝试 , 哭的是自己 】
Monday, 3 September 2012
Sunday, 2 September 2012
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