Monday 31 December 2012

Overlook or choose to turn a blind eye?

I lost sth which I thought absolutely important to me and grieved over it. What I didn't see was what I had obtained all this while.

Thursday 27 December 2012



Monday 17 December 2012

Do you know how does it feel when you are so heartbroken to the point that you wanna end your own life?

Sunday 9 December 2012

Before Losing Hope.

I was not into talking for days after the the invasion of fever, headache, cough, runny nose, sore throat...
Today, when I wanted to read some sentences aloud, my vocal cord failed me!
It couldnt produce voice, the harder I pushed myself, the more painful it got.
Right now, I feel so dizzy. I know that I have to get some sleep in order to make a quick recovery.
But I cannot fall asleep. My brain has too much to worry. I am stressed.
It is thinking of every single stuff ranging from school to just anything...
I am on my bed for so many days.My groupmates start to judge me that I am not performing.
What about the replacement class? Will I be able to get the attendance this time?..
The probelms are crushing me. How should I deal with them? Where should I begin with?

This time, music does not play its role anymore.
And I can tell no one about my problem.

I have to release the pressure and fear by all means.
I know I have to share it out through blogging.
I know I have to pray hard and have faith.




Not as easy as that...

My whole body shuts down for 4 days.
How am I gonna prepare for my coming tests?

Saturday 1 December 2012

An Awe-inspiring Story

I once argued with an american with Phd about fate.
I said I never believed in fate in my whole life.
As I was so down, I revealed my feeling throughout the debate.
She was a phychologist anyway.
She analyzed every single word that came from me.

Her analysis showed that I had myself contradicted.
I had no clue where was I wrong initially.
She then told me a story from the Holy Bible.
The lesson from the story: Life is meaningful, believe in fate but one have to work out.