Tuesday 27 August 2013

24号8月2013 - 一些从不说出口的内心话


这样的夜晚,看着学长上载的照片,不禁鼻酸起来。我真的疯了,越老越感性。朋友毕业了,即使不熟却有点不舍得起来。毕竟,这些年一个人在外头为追梦而奋斗,这一张张面孔一丝丝记忆已经成为我成长的一部分。 3年了。这3年你们都在我的脑海里不时出现。这么一别,真的觉得大家各奔前程,个忙各的了。

再过一两年, 就是与我非常熟悉的战友的毕业典礼。是否会有更深的感触?我知道,我一定会有。这里是一个非常奇妙的地方,它弥补了我已经错过了的童年和少年的疯狂记忆。我的蜕变。。也是在这里被社会,人群和考验洗礼后而产生的。大家毕业后,我正式少了我的“记忆工厂。”  

无法忘记第一个月见到他们时,我是一个生涩的新生!哈哈。NOOB到~~ 还记得一个人快病死在这里。。。哈哈,自Hi了~ 我终于成为一个有记忆的人了,原来有属于自己的记忆后滋味是这么幸福,幸福中却带有一丝丝的苦涩。这种苦涩也衬托出别段记忆中的快感和甜蜜

(如果成为我的对手,我会狠心的杀无赦 :) 学长也不例外)


Sunday 25 August 2013


The stupidity of humans lies upon their unwillingness to face the reality. The stupidest 5-combo lies ever.

Wednesday 21 August 2013


Sometimes tears say all there is to say. Sometimes your first scars won't ever fade away.
Tried to break my heart, well it's broken. Tried to hang me high, well I'm choked.

Sunday 18 August 2013

All You Never Say

If only I could look into your mind, maybe then I'd find a sign of all I want to hear you say to me, to me....

Saturday 17 August 2013

A Repost - A Reminder

Unbelievably, I used to say this. I cannot trust my eyes about what I wrote, my spirit was so high!

"The way to get unstuck is to give yourself a kick in the butt. I am not gonna be here forever. I belong at the top."

- Chin Ang.

Friday 16 August 2013

Wednesday 14 August 2013

A Soldier Who Was Walking Through The Darkest Valley

Unpleasant happenings just invaded him without telltale signs. At this juncture, his heart broke into pieces. When he was completely unprepared, his pride and ego were taken away from him. Outside, the weather was scorching hot. Yet, the temperature in the room was freezing cold. But nothing was colder than a disheartened soul, telling its numb container to find an exit from this embarrassment.  For the first time in this year, he felt so powerless and incapable and to sneak out from this reality was all on his mind. This poor man must have a hard time to accept the shocking truth. He was immediately transformed into a nobody from a somebody, dragging his exhausted body all the way from the rowdy crowd to his quiet hideout.