Thursday 27 October 2011

Really Sick

When I get tired...I mean really really tired like today, I will behave like a drunk man.
I dont know what im saying, I will just say anything which is annoying and totally meaningless.
I get high...totally high and simply talk to any strangers..

It's hard to describe it.
It's like you are conscious but you behave like you're unconscious.
To make things worse, when I'm ''drunk'' I'll do something crazy.
I swear I'll never do those things when I still have my consciousness.

This is so awkward....

Wednesday 26 October 2011


I know you do this for the sake of your future.
Please make sure that you never get thing out of your hand.
Although it's the only way for the evolution, but the action itself is a double-edged sword.
You cant stand to lose anymore.

Please be prepared of the adverse happenings.
You still have my support if it really is your ultimate decision.
You know too, that I wont stop you.

All the best for it!
.....and when you come back, please bring me with you too.
I'm sick of finding my own way helplessly.
Quit dreaming!

Long Long Q

Im done slacking and lazing around. It's time to do something.

I saw their achievements. When is my turn?
A great old fashioned ''Gentleman Evening''.


Bxxxxxx, we'll see. You're just a bxxxxx who never change.
You are never good enough to be in my way. :-)

Tuesday 25 October 2011


I cant really stand the two B****** talking crap.
Please use your strong point in good way.

Monday 24 October 2011

No Returns

I really love to watch Grey's Anatomy.
Why do they leave when they get popular?
Well, it's just a job.
They do leave when they are offered another job at a higher pay.
That's how thing always happens.
They are gone....never come back again......


Blogspot, I wont save you. You wasted me 6 hours.


What happens if you get scared half to death twice?
Ans: Kill yourself, so you make yourself dead this time.

Sunday 23 October 2011

Close My Eyes

This week is really a long week.
Well, if you read my blog, you may know that 2 incidents have happened during the week.
To let you know, the 3rd and the most terrible one happened 2 days ago.
Unlike previously, I never confronted it seriously this time.
Instead, I just sat still and let the incident passing silently.
This is me now. I will do things my way.
I will just sit and stare at you when you find trouble with me.

I am more important than anybody else.
If I dont care for myself,
I dont think people will care for me especially when I'm in desperate need of your help.
So, to make it clear and simple,
I decide to focus a little much on myself.
It is not wrong when I become much selfish, am I?
Everybody is being selfish nowadays, it is a trend now!

Haha. ;-)

Friday 21 October 2011


This song is dedicated to myself: I wont be like this for long

(...and I Don't Wanna be..)





Find back your fighting spirit, 
for you won't be at this level forever!!

是我太冲动了~ 去吃药。把小人吞下肚算了。。

Thursday 20 October 2011


I will do anything to avoid studying! Just anything I will do!!!

Never know
that I can 
look like a
Serial Killer!!

Funny but true........well, we should never hate.

Bitch, you are alive because it is illegal to kill you.

Quoted from FB

我是好人, ok?

白羊总是藏起自己的悲伤 , 喜欢孤单, 又害怕孤单 ;
悲观 , 需要别人的关心 ; 很独立 , 不需要依靠 .

最为真实的星座 , 他们把怒哀乐都表现在脸上 ;
不懂得什么是伪装 , 什么叫强颜欢笑 ;
表里如一 , 从不做作 ;
讨厌虚伪 , 厌恶在面具下讨生活 ! ♥

只能做自己 , 装不出另一幅模样来 !

有点偏激 , 但是一针见血 ;
一生冲动的笨蛋 , 却一直后悔 ;
不是花心 , 只是太容易对一个玩得好的异性产生好感 .

受伤了, 会把眼泪撒在心里 ;
微笑挂在脸上 , 不给别人看到自己的懦弱 ;
如果你看到白羊在哭泣 , 他们被伤得很深 !

Quoted from FB.

I Am Not Forsaken

My temper is getting bigger and bigger.
I need to control my temper to stop making thing big.
But, how?

Please forgive me if I said something bad to you.
I never meant it.


Wednesday 19 October 2011

A Serious Dilemma (.............I need a hand.)


...and I still HATE accounting! Still HATE!!!!! HATE it so much!
I need to think properly of taking ACCOUNTING as my major.
Never say you wont be beaten by accounting.
Accounting path is long and arduous, you will give up sooner or later.
Remember it's just a matter of time.
There will be no lecturer or guardian to get you out of trouble.

Chin Ang

Tuesday 18 October 2011

Read between the lines!


You dont always get ALL, you need to sacrifice something for different thing.
Lazing around is definitely gonna fail you.
Blame yourself you being stupid and incompetent.
Go and do something beneficial!
Dig a hole and bury yourself in the garden!

Chin Ang

Losers, who do you think YOU ARE?

Those whom I dont really speak much with,

                                    ~Jealousy~ ~Jealousy~ ~Jealousy~
                                      ~Jealousy~  ~Jealousy~  ~Jealousy~
                                        ~Jealousy~  ~Jealousy~  ~Jealousy~

               How funny to see you crying in jealous.
               Talk bad/spread rumour around the place is your part-time job?
               Work your ass off for something! CRYING is absolutely pointless!
               Get it, moron?

               Remind: I love criticism, it makes me better and stronger.

Chin Ang


Bastards around the world,

If you choose to TRUST, then kindly do it in every circumstances.
This is so freaking good for yourself & for the world.
If you choose to DOUBT like you always do, then remember this:
 you are free to go against what is being warned in the Holy Bible.
You are evil.
You are the wolf in sheep's skin.
This is you.
Pretending/forcing yourself to be good will only cause much more damage.
Don't drag others to Hell with you.
Many are innocent.

Chin Ang