Thursday 30 June 2011

26, March = 8

May God bless you, buddy.
Monash is the place for you.

Although I'm too far away from where you're now,
you always have my blessings.



Wednesday 29 June 2011


I wonder, if I activate my brain, would it be harmful or a little bit risky?

If I do that, the progression would be greatly improved.

E.T.-Katy Pery

Drop Dead

It's been a long day for me, I worked and I was all ready to reap, reap the reward that I thought I was supposed to get...

As usual, thing would never ever happen like I expected,
it just turned my stomach...
I am sick of describing how it's like when misfortune comes about.
It's indeed a doom to your world, which eventually takes away your dignity and confidence.
Instead of making fool of you,
it brings hardship to you and traps you in adverse situation.
When you are engulfed in darkness, it tortures you until the end of time
...til you no longer possess the ability to go against it.
...wears you down day by day and ultimately, you are silent by it!

This is for whoever currently experiences this moment of agony.
If you by any chance see him, do bring some light to his world.
You can lend him a helping hand by guiding him to leave the darkness.

When you find him, open your eyes and look at him,
he is truly adorable, so much innocence.
People can never know he was once happy and contented. 
He has been victimized after all.
Most of the time, he probably just needs a hug.

If he's someone around you today,
do approach him and tell him that he's not alone,
and convince him that the journey is no longer arduous.

Chin Ang

Note To God-Charice

Sunday 26 June 2011


I know this won't bring me far,
and I know very well that it ain't be easy,
especially for realize this childhood dream.


I swear I will live on that land some day
and survive....

I will try my best, go all out...

The Man Who Cant Be Moved-The Script


My heart is ached with pain and my throat is choked with unspoken words.

"I'm falling into pieces, when a heart breaks, no it don't"

Saturday 25 June 2011

The journey is long with miles to go before I sleep..

Miles To Go (Before I Sleep) - Celine Dion

I would walk to the edge of the universe for you
Paint you a crimson sunset over sheltering skies
I could learn all the world dialects for you
Whisper sonnets in your ear discovering truth
I could never worship pagan gods around me
I will only follow the path that leads me to you baby... always

Every step I take for you
I will always defend, never pretend
That every breath I take for love
I could never be wrong, the journey is long
With miles to go before I sleep, miles to go before I sleep...

I would carry the rock of Gibraltar just for you
Lifted like a pebble from the beach to the skies
I could build you a bridge that spans the ocean wide
But the greatest gift I give you would be to stand by your side
Some can criticize and sit in judgment of us
But they can't take away the love that lives inside us always

Every step I take for you
I will always defend, never pretend
That every breath I take for love
I could never be wrong, the journey is long
With miles to go before I sleep, miles to go before I sleep...

I won't run from the changing signs along the highway
Let the rivers flow to the highest ground created

Friday 24 June 2011


I just attended Anthony Neely's 2nd Promo in Malaysia.

Although I was not so interested on Anthony Neely and his performance lol...?
But, I showed up eventually.
I've to admit that I had great time with friends enjoying the "Mini Concert"-->I'm not sure if it even is...

I'm so thankful that, this gang kept a seat for me despite I came in late.
No doubt Gan, Jas, Lily, Neo and Albert are they. Umm, I think Lily's BF was there too.
Also, I actually get to know some new friends through them too.
I hope I have perfect memory to remember their names.
If my memory still serves me right, they are Z-yuann and Gan's BF.

Well, I know I was quite rude and cold towards new friends as I didn't greet them nicely.
I didn't even talk much with these bosom friends as well.
Nonetheless, from the bottom of my heart, I was so touched today.
But, I wont tell you the reason. :)

When hanging out with them, lots of joke always revitalize me.
We burst into laughter by Lily's silly antics from time to time.
Lily, who always has a fine sense of humour always makes us happy.

Again, I didn't talk much when I was outside.
People may have started to think weird of me. Haha
I hope I didn't cause trouble again?

Please don't mind me.
My sincere apologies.

The Blower's Daughter-Damien Rice

Thursday 23 June 2011

Return To Innocence-Enigma


Don't be afraid to be weak
Don't be too proud to be strong
Just look into your heart my friend
That will be the return to yourself
The return to innocence

If you want, then start to laugh
If you must, then start to cry
Be yourself don't hide
Just believe in destiny

Don't care what people say
Just follow your own way
Don't give up and use the chance

To return to innocence

That's not the beginning of the end
That's the return to yourself

The return to innocence

Ask a stranger When ?

It's been about a month since the school reopened.
In this trimester, I start to look thing from different perspectives.
I view thing in slightly a better way compared to last time.
I sleep, eat and play twice as much........

Do I become happier?
I can't answer it....

There's something which keeps me wondering somehow...

Longer-Dan Fogelberg

Wednesday 22 June 2011


While enjoying Rihanna's MTV as usual, hilariously, I read some funny comments.
If you're too busy to view them somewhere yourself, there you go:

For starters, I am a Ma'am. I thought I was speaking very good English since I have a Master's in Education and am working on my Ph.D. It's not about politics; it's about having a moral obligation to be mindful about what you are putting out there that can further influence a demographically, disadvantaged group of women who have already been victimized by a society that says it is okay to wrap your talents in skimpy bras and panties because sex sells and men are buying!

Tuesday 21 June 2011

A spooky sensation

Life Long Lock...

I screwed up my presentation today, although no mark was counted for it.
I feel guilty to myself and my group members,as I truly understand how everyone was stressful and struggling for the preparation of presentation.
I don't like to see OUR effort went down the drain, seriously.

After the awkward moment, friends started to bombard me with  questions like,
"Why didn't you include your friend's name in the slide? Isn't him a member of your group?"
Sounds like accusing, but it's really okay for me 'cause I deserved the blame.
Despite explaining and apologizing numerous times, some people tend to bring the conversation to an end by telling me to realize my mistake, and never repeat it again.

Frankly speaking, I had bad experience previously while presenting computer stuffs.
So, this time, I really meant to do something complete, to fascinate myself maybe?
All I wanted to accomplish was simply present it atleast slightly better than previously.
Apparently, I failed again.

Today isn't a fun day for me.
But, I actually enjoy it.
I know saying this is like contradicting myself,
how am I going to explain this to you?

When I was busy answering questions,
I lost my old dirty transparent file, I've something which I put inside it for daily reference
but nvm... life is like that. Haha
All that is required us to do is, to accept and forgive, then let it go.

Take a bow-Madonna
Take a bow-Rihanna

Monday 20 June 2011

A guy who constantly throws a tantrum

Today was just like a normal day.
I thought things would be fine, nah, no thing was getting better.
I scolded someone again....quite fiercely.

I dont like to see those kids doing things indeed.
If I ever did this, my family will just end my life.
So, behave, k?
I dont scold really....

Confession of a broken heart-Linsay Lohan

Sunday 19 June 2011


im so lazy to move my body
i havent finished studying
presentations, assignments, projects, quiz, exams, revision
there're many more things waiting me to complete
can someone freeze the time, so i dun need to face them

i just created my new FB acc, tryna escape from my old mates' mockeries
i noe that im not doing as good as they are
whenever i came online, somebody must pm me asking abt my achievement.
they're indeed driving me insane lately

although im quite well atm, somehow there are some despicable hoodlums in my class
what can i do, i cannot hate them, or poke my eyes, saying that i dun see 'em
all i do is by praying, that they dont look me up for trouble.
This is not only a health hazard but eyesore!...?

someone from an established school is graduating soon, omg wut am i doing here
i just wonder if i could do as good as they do in advance
curiosity and doubt keep besetting on my mind

i hope i do this not 'cause im forced to do so
im not being pessimistic, im juzz unhappy and dissatisfied.
or do i mix up dissatisfied with unsatisfied...?

'a flower' just taught me a lesson the other day.....
'it' said if you cant be Einstein, you will be insane then.
"its" words may be true, nonetheless, from the bottom of my heart,
i really hate to listen to such kind of comment,
less constructive, makes me feel the tension again.
..........she doesnt mean it after all.

i dont like to have any interaction with any teachers in this world
some years ago, my English teacher told me face to face that if you were as good as 'top 1'
then do it.
i didnt ever expect he could say that to his student who was inquisitive.
he just hurt his student right at his vital-point, that he could barely survive following the incident.

.........Nevertheless, Im still ALIVE now ^^
I'm stronger and....I stand on my own feet.--->That not many can do the same thing as I do.

truly, deeply and madly-savage garden

Another Sad Story

I'm so tired today, keep thinking of something.

I do want to rest my mind sometimes.

It's Father's Day today, my parents didnt pick up my calls.
I wonder what's happening there.

Everyone is busy doing their stuffs, everyone gets lonely without realizing it. Often, people just smile and laugh but from the inside, they're actually bleeding, the pain is so overwhelming. Stress, pain, sorrow, worries will never let these people go, they keep torturing them until the very end of their lives.

At times, I hope things in this world would have a change, no matter the change is huge or just a minor one, I just think it's good to me and many people around the world who is probably thinking what I'm thinking.

"If you just realize what I just realized, then it'd be perfect for each other"
There is a song by Colbie Caillat, she mentioned something in the song.

A Country Folk's Story