Sunday 31 July 2011

Everybody's Grudge.

I am very moody lately.
I tend to scold people around me.
Should I throw the tantrum?
A BIG yes here!
Because, you're the blacksheep,
wasting my energy serving your needs.
You use me like this is definitely not prudent AT ALL!
You will get the retribution soo soon and sooo unexpectedly.

I know people may start to avoid me.

If you 're one of them who tryna avoid me.
Let me tell you, this is so in vain because you will need my help sooner or later.

I'm so NOT improving lately,
my skill has become obsolete,
my knowledge is insufficient for me to surpass many things.

I'm in the deep trouble lately,
I think I really need to learn something this semester.
This is gonna be something deadly to me,
if I dont find a way to overcome it!

If you're my friend, please do not hold me back.
Save your time and energy to pray for me or assist me when I'm in desperate need of help.
If you stab me at the back or curse me when I'm not around.
I wont hate you, because everything will come back to you one day.

If you're my friend,
read this,
and understand every single word I write.

I'm not always free,
I dont even have enough time for myself.
I use my very own private time to help you, you and you!
I wasted my sleeping time to do everything behind the scene!
It's ok if I am not rewarded.
How shocking it is, when I am blame for everything.
Hey, did you ever say thanks to me?
Ask yourself tonight before sleeping.
I deserve the nightmares in the middle of  night, if you answer YES.
Because this is SO not true!

I am not everybody's servant,
even if i were the servant,
please do not take me like granted.

I try to be kind, nice, mild and meek.
Dont think I am so stupid who know nothing.
Thinking me in this way only show how retarded you're.
Yes, you're retarded.
So damn retarded.

Wondering why?
Because we are all in the game.
We are all being played by fate.
And, it's like a cycle.
No matter it is good or bad happens to me today, it's coming to you the next turn.

So, if you think you're good enough to control this game,
then go for your bed and continue your brainless dream.

Frankly speaking, you're not good enough to fool around,
neither have you the ability to manipulate others thinking.
How moronic!
Shame on you!

R.I.P Amy Winehouse

Saturday 30 July 2011

Inevitable Disasters

Life is like a series of nightmares, it's like when you wake up from bad dreams and you face the real ones.

Friday 29 July 2011


I need to find a way to speak out something which I cannot share it here ASAP.
I fear I will be ill if I keep this for myself.

Wednesday 27 July 2011

The Given Chance

Thanks to Guru Gan's effort. I've ultimately gone through all these...

I cant find a better word to describe how I feel now other than Gratitude.

Friday 22 July 2011

A step further

That particular period is extremely crucial for me.
It's going to be an important moment for me in overcoming some fears that I always have.
I am at the second stage now and what I'm going to deal with is really vital for my future goal.

I strongly believe that I am so blessed from time to time.
I am given numerous chances while I was at my most desperate situations.
There is one thing for sure, HE is there, always, hearing my request.
I truly appreciate it, and I swear I will succeed in carrying out this task.

Getting to know HIM and living in a life which is full of HIS creations,
I know I am always protected, assisted, defended, trained, blessed and loved.
With these, I know I will be a loved and successful person in the not-so-far future.


I swear to myself,
I will continuously move on stage by stage,
to pass HIS words,
and tell HIS existence,
to the rest of the world.


Thursday 21 July 2011

Wednesday 20 July 2011


It upsets me so much when I made some careless mistakes again and again.
After the quiz today, I thought I have learnt the lesson to concentrate while answering the questions.
Obviously, I didn't make it.

Tomorrow's challenge is NOT gonna be so easy.
English, scoring a better mark for this paper is always a pain in the ass.
I do not expect much from it....

As I really have problem with mind concentration.
I just wish tomorrow I can atleast stay focused with my sight, mind and hearing.

Please let me finish answering the paper.
I find it silly to leave some parts blank.

Work has been piling up like a hill at the corner of my room.

Something is the major part of my life, and I seriously think I'm losing it.

I'm so not ready yet.
Does anyone pls help me out?

Monday 18 July 2011







Saturday 16 July 2011

看懂,听懂,明了的人  真的是一个人。。。都没有。








Friday 15 July 2011

The Refuge

I love my blog so much.
It's good for me.
It's a place for me to be my true self.
I dont have to pretend.
I dont need to socialize as well.
No lies here.
Only peace in mind.
Whenever I'm lonely or depressed.
It's a place for me.
I can voice out anything in my mind anytime.
I no longer have to keep everything to myself.
It's a great relief.
I think I'm safe from the totally insane world.

:-) Just smile

What If?

Life is full of possibilities...
Today you burst into laughter,
tomorrow, you might be washing your face with tears.

Life is full of surprises...
Today you enjoy the long-waited moment,
tomorrow, you might be regretful of what you have had.

Life is harsh and fragile...
It is all about: sadness, empty promises, disappointments and loneliness.

Do not hate life.
It is the best teacher you can ever find.

Do hate life.
It misguides the weakened souls.

Indeed, life is a confusion.
You'd never know what it is.

Tuesday 12 July 2011


I swear,
I'm not procrastinating.
I am a human as well,
like you are.

I'm so not over-demanding this time.
Can I have 5 minutes nap, please?

25 minutes-Micheal Learns To Rock

Monday 11 July 2011


At the end of the day,
faith is a funny thing.
It turns up when you do not really expect it.

It's like one day,
you realize that the fairytale is slightly different than you dream.

....and that is not important if it's happy ever after.
Just that is happy right now.

"Stranded here
In nothingness
With only tears
And loneliness"

~And You Don't Remember-Mariah Carey~

The way that each of us thinks makes the major difference in where each of us arrives.

-Jim Ron

Sunday 10 July 2011


I'm not always in a good MOOD.
I'm STRESSFUL with the responsibility over my shoulder.
I CANT help myself most of the time.
In order to ease my PAIN,
I EAT my ass off.

I think I'll be FINE after eating.
However, this is so NOT gonna happen.
I eat more and MORE each time I feel like to EAT!
I'm so sick of MYSELF.
I'm sick of who I AM.

If you're lost you can look,
and you will find me time after time;
If you fall I will catch you,
I'll be waiting time after time.....

Time After Time-Cyndi Lauper  


Better Man-Robbie Williams

Send someone to love me
I need to rest in arms
Keep me safe from harm
In pouring rain

Dont know WHY?


Where are you and I'm so sorry
I cannot sleep I cannot dream tonight
I need somebody and always

Saturday 9 July 2011

Knowing is better than wondering;
Sleeping is better than waiting.

Friday 8 July 2011





What Can I do-The Corrs

Living a life

My current life is all about 3R.


and also,


From a Distance-Nancy Griffith

Thursday 7 July 2011


I think I have severe depression.

I'm suffering.

Champagne Supernova-Oasis

Wednesday 6 July 2011


God, my Father,

may I love You in all things and above all things.
May I reach the joy which You have prepared for me in
Nothing is good that is against Your Will,
and all that is good comes from Your Hand.
Place in my heart a desire to please You
and fill my mind with thoughts of Your Love,
so that I may grow in Your Wisdom and enjoy Your Peace.

Sleep tight-Celine Dion

Tuesday 5 July 2011


Through prayer, 
I sought and found trust with others;
I regained confidence and realized the potential that lied within;
My eyes were opened with devotion;
My soul was strengthened with determination and sacrifice.

Through prayers,
I was convinced about the role of existence;
I was taught to accept and look on the brighter side.

By praying and praying,
my life became notable for believing;
my request was granted....

The Answer-Corrinne May

Sunday 3 July 2011


成功的背後 嘸知有多少苦楚

阮選擇的路 一定堅持到成功

堅定的心伴阮向前走 請你會記著阮的名

有人出世著好命 阮是用命底打拚

嘸驚失敗慢慢向前走 運命不是天註定

只要用心來打拚 一定唱出阮的名


Accounting 如果你叫我死死的跟着步骤做,我想我会。可是,很多东西我还是想不通为什么要酱。头晕到要死。我只是要想到每一课的连接点在哪里。。。我真的很想变一本书出来读。lecture note根本就是大便。我都不懂我在学什么,因为我觉得读lecture note很像在死背做法一样。我不要!我不要!

Saturday 2 July 2011

Bosom Friend

Part 1

     "Country roads take me home, to the the place I belong......" I was chilled to the bone when I was singing the song and strumming the guitar simultaneously at the roadside which throng of people passed by. It was my second year stint in a faraway country and was another frosty winter. Great cold and loneliness fully overwhelmed my weak and skinny body. Nonetheless, I was still there, sat at the corner of the street singing in the crowd as I pinned all my hope on this loathsome career to earn some money to proceed my life.

     That was a wintry somnolent Sunday dusk, my eyes were stinging from the chilled wind and my throat was as dry as a bone in such an extreme weather. I clearly remembered that I took the last swig of champagne which I ever afforded to buy to take the chill off that time. The taste of the champagne was the best in the world! Still, it was a glimmer hope for me to catch the people's attention with my voice when the people were getting fewer as the night had finally fallen. As I was one of the homeless people of no fixed abode, I just simply found a strategic spot to stay temporarily throughout the night.

     At the still of the winter night, the sound of footsteps on the street broke the stillness. It was them again! I couldn't afford to pay off the permit to stay here again. They were a bunch of hoodlums who intended to bully and snatched the little penny that I spent days to earn it. I was truly on the rack when the hoodlum's despicable action to grab away the money from me. Nevertheless, I could only defend myself shortly as I was being beaten unconscious.

     At that moment, I thought that my life would have been culminated under the gangster's beat to death. However, I was saved by her and survived........

Part 2 and 3

I wrote this when I was Form 4, that's years ago...
Sadly, I've lost the part 2 and 3. If you like this, then I might re-write the next parts in advance.

Your Song-Elton John 
Walk of Life-Billie Piper

Friday 1 July 2011


The Angel In The Disguise

After some time of stumbling and fumbling,
I finally see some light dispersing in the darkness.

Thanks to Albert Fang and Gan Gan who help me numerous times.
May God bless you.

Before forgetting, I'd like to wish Albert Fang, many happy returns of the day!!

Lost-Micheal Buble

It's In The Mind, Not In The Eyes...

In the bleak, cold and somber dimension, he is surrounded by the darkness.
The feeling is so intense in the gloomy atmosphere,
where he can only see hopelessness and the bleak future.

Every single mea culpa is filling up the dimension.
It's suffocating him, makes him struggling to breath.
The weep of mournful dusk is so ear-piercing;
The tear of grudged soul is flooding the place.
His world is spinning in his eyes;
His mind is totally coloured by confusion and guiltiness.

His time is so close to an end.
The sense of guilt and disastrous mental abuse are finally overpowering him.
Everything is slowing down in his eyes,
and it is so quiet and motionless around him.
He knows, soon, he will be no longer around.
He just hopes the cessation of his life could end his misery...
once and forever.....

Back To The Rivers Of Belief-Enigma