Friday 30 December 2011

Thank goodness

Fortunately I have just gotten my iphone. This makes updating blog much much easier. :) 🙏

Tuesday 27 December 2011


I'm being grumpy and inappropriate.

Im not coward

It's been almost a month since the very last time I updated my blog.
During this period, I wanted to write something but was gutless.
I lived a miserable life. 
I did not dare to look back and transform those happenings into writing.
I was too frightened to even reminiscence those memories.
It was my another worse moment in life.
Its impact was not vanishing but continually haunting me.
Spiritually: Like I'm possessed, gradually losing the purity of soul.
Physically: Like a vampire draining my blood, gradually diminishing my life force.

I'm weeping the dark side of me.

Tuesday 6 December 2011

Face to Face

Good Luck! 
You have been working hard.
If the outcome were positive, then accept it joyfully, because you deserve it.
Don't be upset if it doesn't happen as you wish.
Life is about risking anyway.
It is comparable with gambling, as winning or losing is not within our control.
We can only work things out and hope for the best.
Avoiding is never a way to deal with it.
It is akin to take morphine that provides temporary ecstasy.
It brings negative consequences somehow.
It will cause addiction or become mortally deadly when you overdose.

~Don't let it take away the smile on your face~

Chin Ang..

Dont You Ever Be Lonely..

Remember ''love will guide you home.''

Sunday 4 December 2011

Explore, not explode

From now on, everything will be fixed.
There will be no doubts and negativity on it.
Only hard work and determination....and faith.

Superglue Cant Fix

There were many incidents happened lately.
I was overtaken...

Wednesday 30 November 2011

Live A Lie

I wanted to say something, I found it not helpful to have it spoken somehow:

I saw some angels surrounding the town.
They were not as perfect as the story told.
They were imperfect because they had broken wings.
It did not matter anyway, because they helped the needy.

I saw the devils in an old back street.
Rumour had it they were evil looking and scary.
This was untrue. Perhaps they were the most beautiful things on Earth.
It did not matter anyway, because they ripped out the human hearts.

How much do you see?
Do you notice what is going on in the world?
Do you see the truth or do you blind yourself?

Tuesday 29 November 2011

Sunday 27 November 2011

The Present

Christmas is around the corner.
This year my Christmas present is slightly different than usual.

This is the first present given by a friend last night.
I want to keep it here forever.

  Merry Early Christmas,  

Truth 4

Faith is the medicine.
Faith can heal you.

Truth 3

You have to live life.
Keep moving forward.

Friday 25 November 2011

Truth 2

Everyone has his own story behind everything. 
It could be a very sad one...
We could either delve into the truth that hides deep down or leave him alone.


''The dog that barks doesn't bite.'' 
Although it doesn't tell the complete story, 
but I hope people understand the meaning. 
We should keep an eye on the biting dog, not the barking dog. ^^

Wednesday 23 November 2011

很准! 【给白羊座的1封信】

白羊本身就是一个矛盾的个体。与白羊相恋须知:1.很慢热 我很冷漠 2.很直接 讨厌转弯 3.不喜欢说话 也不喜欢你太吵 4.喜欢自由的感觉 讨厌啰嗦 5.心智很成熟 看事很透彻 6.很绝 7.需要行动证明你爱我。

羊羊人看上去不拘小节 其实感情上道德上有绝对洁癖 触动原则的任何错误哪怕再小都没有办法弥补 决绝的转身 不回头 不难过 不留遗憾 不内疚 因为内心已经想的很明白 问心无愧 犀利得一塌糊涂。

你的一点关心 心思细腻的白羊会记得你对他的好 把自己的爱毫无保留的送给你 白羊是不被了解的 可他们不会怨谁。他们会傻傻的认为 让我承担吧 别让别人也受到伤害。所以 别让他们最有魅力的笑容成为掩饰痛苦的伪装 认真爱白羊。你会知道白羊的爱 是充满泪水的。

羊羊内心都很善良很柔软。羊羊内在的感性绝对不会亚于双鱼 羊羊真的是毫无心机地活在这个世界上 TA善良得如此无私 往往让人觉得不真实。TA很怕很怕被人误解 尤其是被自己在乎的人误解。羊羊其实本身真的很正直 确实耍不来心机 即使不被理解 被误解 也依旧试着解释。

白羊的反击力很强 吵架的时侯 羊羊可能会说一些很让人伤心的话 相信我 羊羊真的不是故意的 那是TA的直觉反应 吵架就是要吵赢嘛!羊羊很可能一说出口就后悔了 可是经常很难拉下脸来 衷心的道歉。不要跟白羊生气 放TA一马我保证TA心里会很感激 对你加倍的好。

羊很懒 不想活得那麼累 能简单尽量简单 不爱解释 始终认为懂自己的不用解释 不懂自己的不必解释 不相管那麼多不相干的事 TA们只挑自己爱做的事 要么不做 要做就做到最好 其实羊羊也是完美主义者 极端主义者 要么破碎 要么完美 不要中间。

白羊座 对好朋友可以很热情 乱七八糟聊个不停 对比较普通的朋友很冷淡 聊不上几句就沉默。羊羊很珍惜对他/她好的朋友 TA感觉是坏的 便有意疏离。羊羊的普通朋友很多 好朋友没几个。羊羊很孤独 常常自己一个人 一个人吃饭 一个人上学 一个人逛街 一个人发呆。

白羊真的没办法一心二用 聊手机时会把电影暂停 工作时不知道听的是哪首歌 思考时不知道你在说的什么 因为羊羊的注意力只能集中在其中之一 白羊们更不会去花心 因为羊羊喜欢简单 脚踩两条船对羊羊而言是非常麻烦及复杂的事情 羊羊懒得去做 因为羊羊真的很懒

Tuesday 22 November 2011


Sometimes, realization is not enough.
We need to spend time to undo the mistakes result by our own silliness.

Unrealistic Approach

Dude, catch up the pace! ...before you get kicked out by the System.
You have been fantasizing everything which doesnt belong to your world.
Just stay focused on something for you which is uneasily attainable.

.....(It's too late to cry over spilt milk.)

Sunday 20 November 2011


Hey, why do you show this face?
It's a good start....
It's a good start....

Take a deep breath and let it happen.

I know this is not easy.
It's time to make a change.

So, smile! Tell the world that you're okay!

Friday 18 November 2011


I had gone through it, it's an unbelievably relief.
Although still imperfect and almost let nerve got me,
but I think it was the best by me already.
Atleast, I experienced this and will make it useful for my future.
Experience comes before anything, Im working on it now.
With faith, each step I take, I get closer to my dream.

Thanks to everyone who encourages me.
I know people are loving me.
They granted me so many chances.

Thursday 17 November 2011


Im extremely nervous. Really really really nervous...
God please help me.

Wednesday 16 November 2011

I dont own the copyright LOL

Aries children have energy in abundance, are usually strong, active, and enthusiastic. You better be physically in great shape to keep up with the little Ram. They seem to never get tired and after a day full of physical activity, the Aries child keeps going while you might gasp for air. Being curious and adventurous, little Arians want to know everything, explore, and investigate. Without fear they venture into new territory all the time, be it a high tree, a playground, or a year abroad. They love challenges, so offering them opportunities to compete either in sports or at play or in school keeps them from being bored too quickly. Aries children need a lot of watching, especially when they are very young, as they can also be quite stubborn and won't accept a "No" easily. Resisting control, they need to know who is in charge, as they are very determined to do everything their very own way. Although young Arians can be quite sweet and affectionate one minute, they can be challenging and angry the next. They need a lot of reassurance, attention, and need to know they are loved. Being ruled by Mars, it is no wonder that they can display a hot temper but they can forget it as quickly as it came. As natural born leaders, Aries children will take the lead in their group, be it at school, or college, or in their circle of friends. However, it can be difficult for them to lose and as difficult to learn how to share and that they cannot win every game. Young Arians are a delight to be around, and they will certainly never bore you! Your favorite moments will be when you can jump into their fantasyland with them and get swept away by their courageous lead into the unknown. They have an untamed spirit that is always ready for adventure!

Tuesday 15 November 2011


Im not greedy actually,
I just want people to say something neutral to me,
then it will be helpful enough to make me happy for the whole day.

I just realize that,
no matter how luxurious life I have or how successful I am,
my heart is blank without your blessing.
I cant live without you.
You listen to my prayer.
You are always there listening to me.

Monday 14 November 2011


What I can do now is to trust my family and my TRUE friend.

I will do everything good to them and to myself.

Good thing is, it strengthens my family and TRUE friend's position in my heart.

It teaches me another lesson which costs least damage.

It makes my body, mind and soul stronger.

It reminds me to forgive.

It is the forgiveness to people who caused trouble.

It's to forgive them and remove them permanently from my world.


I can never keep grudge inside me. It's a sin.
God will punish them.


I stayed awake the whole night working hard for my future.
Today, the ugly truth tells me, I've been working for somebody's future.
It's a if-you-dont-eat-them-you-will-be-eaten society.
Or, you can say so, it's a using or being used society.

Thursday 10 November 2011


没有人是完美的, 当别人没有责备你的不完美时,我觉得你没必要一直数陋人家。

Sunday 6 November 2011

The Light

I start to learn to be confident on myself. A very helpful friend has taught me this.
A thousands of thank you.


I've nowhere to speak to all the times.
I know at the end of the day, family is the only person really cares about me.
But what if they dont understand you when you tell them?
They will just accept your problem as kid fight and child story which are unimportant.
It makes me extremely sad when they deny me in the way they response to my agony.
This has been happening since many years ago....since I was in Kindergarten time.
Never a time they realize the great loneliness hidden behind my smile and immaturity.
I speak to myself, cry alone, settle something in fear and face many challenges and problems myself.
I dont need anything other than some comforting and calming words.
I just want you to say, I'm great, you're happy to have me around and you will be there whenever I need someone. That's all, show some verbal appreciation about my existence in this lonely world.
Although I know myself clearly that, they will do anything to protect me when danger strikes.
There's no need for them to make make it clear and plain.
I should have figured it out myself. I should know this myself.
I do know this..but I need some support from time to time.
I need acknowledge, respect, understanding and acceptance from my family.
You are all I have, you are all I need.
You are the source of my energy for survival as well.
But, why never a time my family never think that:
-I'm good when I'm the top scholar in the school? (I'm not acknowledged at all when they compared me with students with the lowest mark., but Ive already scored the highest mark for the whole batch of students?)
-I'm human being as well who needs someone to listen to me.(I feel like irrespected when eeverything big or small happenings are out of my realization. I'm not informed about anything.Why when I inform you my feelings, actions, problems and achievements, you make me feeling that Im not part of this home, for Im denied in all ways.)
-I love my family so much, I voice out my candid statement all the times. I never lie to them. Im honest to myself and them. But, they reject everything from me. I can be the 100% good son in others' family but in this house I feel like I am and have nothing. It's blank in my heart, I need some power from my family to revitalize myself. They say Im bad anyway. Isnt this hurting? The kids in the neighborhood skip class, lie and steal. I'm more than ordinary good person I believe. But my parents like them more than me. My family is not defending me when I am scolded and hurted by strangers for no reason at all. Im at the receiving end, I m the victim, I suffer it but I get the blame, they never trust me. They choose to believe anyone other than his own son, despite they know people are making up the story. They still distrust me anyway.
-I try to understand everyone's feeling, nobody WANT to atleast enter my heart to listen to my feeling although to door is wide opened for them. I explore your world, but your door is completely closed and sealed. See you never want me to enter your world and you resist in entering my world as well.
I think Im dying day by day.....Im losing my purpose of living day by day.

How do I react to this? I look for more friends. Soon, I've many friends.
Yet, they are not my true friends, I always've my perception wrong about them.
They are actually the businessman who trade for benefits.
So, I trade with them, asking them to listen to my hurtful story in returns.
I entertain this kind of businessman because they are the source fake hope for me to live.
I dont have a real hope to live for, I can only rely on the fake one in a pathetic way to gain the fake positive energy to go on my journey.

After everything,
It's a sad case when you finally accept the truth that you're nothing but crap.
I'm accepting it after years of proving I'm more than just a piece crap.
Yes, I am now.

The wound

Im not stupid, all I want is some kind of friendship.
There's nothing more than a friendship I want.
It doesnt have to be remembering my B'day every year with lots of surprises and gifts.
Trust me, never a suchlike thing is I want.
What I need  are just some greets and talks.
Are these too much?
So, in my effort to form a stronger bond between me and my friends,
I was willing to do anything...making changes, improving, being better and more helpful.
Nobody is perfect, I cant be perfect!
When Im imperfect, it's time the friendship starts to against me uncontrollably.
This is because the friendship im working hard for is merely using me.
So, when I have nothing to be used, I lose my identity and value.
Now, they step on me and say words that I never expect to hear.
There's a hole my heart now.
My heart bleeds profusely.

Thank you,
Iris Pölzing for being there.

Im not forsaken

Take a hot shower, go out for ''breakfast'' at around 5pm and pamper myself with some games and DVD.
It's time to pamper myself.

Thursday 27 October 2011

Really Sick

When I get tired...I mean really really tired like today, I will behave like a drunk man.
I dont know what im saying, I will just say anything which is annoying and totally meaningless.
I get high...totally high and simply talk to any strangers..

It's hard to describe it.
It's like you are conscious but you behave like you're unconscious.
To make things worse, when I'm ''drunk'' I'll do something crazy.
I swear I'll never do those things when I still have my consciousness.

This is so awkward....

Wednesday 26 October 2011


I know you do this for the sake of your future.
Please make sure that you never get thing out of your hand.
Although it's the only way for the evolution, but the action itself is a double-edged sword.
You cant stand to lose anymore.

Please be prepared of the adverse happenings.
You still have my support if it really is your ultimate decision.
You know too, that I wont stop you.

All the best for it!
.....and when you come back, please bring me with you too.
I'm sick of finding my own way helplessly.
Quit dreaming!

Long Long Q

Im done slacking and lazing around. It's time to do something.

I saw their achievements. When is my turn?
A great old fashioned ''Gentleman Evening''.


Bxxxxxx, we'll see. You're just a bxxxxx who never change.
You are never good enough to be in my way. :-)

Tuesday 25 October 2011


I cant really stand the two B****** talking crap.
Please use your strong point in good way.

Monday 24 October 2011

No Returns

I really love to watch Grey's Anatomy.
Why do they leave when they get popular?
Well, it's just a job.
They do leave when they are offered another job at a higher pay.
That's how thing always happens.
They are gone....never come back again......


Blogspot, I wont save you. You wasted me 6 hours.


What happens if you get scared half to death twice?
Ans: Kill yourself, so you make yourself dead this time.

Sunday 23 October 2011

Close My Eyes

This week is really a long week.
Well, if you read my blog, you may know that 2 incidents have happened during the week.
To let you know, the 3rd and the most terrible one happened 2 days ago.
Unlike previously, I never confronted it seriously this time.
Instead, I just sat still and let the incident passing silently.
This is me now. I will do things my way.
I will just sit and stare at you when you find trouble with me.

I am more important than anybody else.
If I dont care for myself,
I dont think people will care for me especially when I'm in desperate need of your help.
So, to make it clear and simple,
I decide to focus a little much on myself.
It is not wrong when I become much selfish, am I?
Everybody is being selfish nowadays, it is a trend now!

Haha. ;-)

Friday 21 October 2011


This song is dedicated to myself: I wont be like this for long

(...and I Don't Wanna be..)





Find back your fighting spirit, 
for you won't be at this level forever!!

是我太冲动了~ 去吃药。把小人吞下肚算了。。

Thursday 20 October 2011


I will do anything to avoid studying! Just anything I will do!!!

Never know
that I can 
look like a
Serial Killer!!

Funny but true........well, we should never hate.

Bitch, you are alive because it is illegal to kill you.

Quoted from FB

我是好人, ok?

白羊总是藏起自己的悲伤 , 喜欢孤单, 又害怕孤单 ;
悲观 , 需要别人的关心 ; 很独立 , 不需要依靠 .

最为真实的星座 , 他们把怒哀乐都表现在脸上 ;
不懂得什么是伪装 , 什么叫强颜欢笑 ;
表里如一 , 从不做作 ;
讨厌虚伪 , 厌恶在面具下讨生活 ! ♥

只能做自己 , 装不出另一幅模样来 !

有点偏激 , 但是一针见血 ;
一生冲动的笨蛋 , 却一直后悔 ;
不是花心 , 只是太容易对一个玩得好的异性产生好感 .

受伤了, 会把眼泪撒在心里 ;
微笑挂在脸上 , 不给别人看到自己的懦弱 ;
如果你看到白羊在哭泣 , 他们被伤得很深 !

Quoted from FB.

I Am Not Forsaken

My temper is getting bigger and bigger.
I need to control my temper to stop making thing big.
But, how?

Please forgive me if I said something bad to you.
I never meant it.


Wednesday 19 October 2011

A Serious Dilemma (.............I need a hand.)


...and I still HATE accounting! Still HATE!!!!! HATE it so much!
I need to think properly of taking ACCOUNTING as my major.
Never say you wont be beaten by accounting.
Accounting path is long and arduous, you will give up sooner or later.
Remember it's just a matter of time.
There will be no lecturer or guardian to get you out of trouble.

Chin Ang

Tuesday 18 October 2011

Read between the lines!


You dont always get ALL, you need to sacrifice something for different thing.
Lazing around is definitely gonna fail you.
Blame yourself you being stupid and incompetent.
Go and do something beneficial!
Dig a hole and bury yourself in the garden!

Chin Ang

Losers, who do you think YOU ARE?

Those whom I dont really speak much with,

                                    ~Jealousy~ ~Jealousy~ ~Jealousy~
                                      ~Jealousy~  ~Jealousy~  ~Jealousy~
                                        ~Jealousy~  ~Jealousy~  ~Jealousy~

               How funny to see you crying in jealous.
               Talk bad/spread rumour around the place is your part-time job?
               Work your ass off for something! CRYING is absolutely pointless!
               Get it, moron?

               Remind: I love criticism, it makes me better and stronger.

Chin Ang


Bastards around the world,

If you choose to TRUST, then kindly do it in every circumstances.
This is so freaking good for yourself & for the world.
If you choose to DOUBT like you always do, then remember this:
 you are free to go against what is being warned in the Holy Bible.
You are evil.
You are the wolf in sheep's skin.
This is you.
Pretending/forcing yourself to be good will only cause much more damage.
Don't drag others to Hell with you.
Many are innocent.

Chin Ang

Tuesday 13 September 2011


Sunday 11 September 2011

Friday 9 September 2011

Thanks blog, again you make me lighter.
I'm a bitch if I disactivate you.

A request

Final exam is around the corner.
Somebody must be thinking that I'm out of my mind,
wasting my time on blogging.

You're not wise if you think me this way.

Simply approach and gimme a hug will be more useful.

To my lonely friend

Single Bach.,
Today I talked to him again, as usual, he's always lonely.
I could only see the emptiness he has about his life.
He repeated the same sentences to me.
Although the same words again but this time, it's more emotional.
He didn't express it directly to me.
However, if you look into his world, the feeling should be so intense.
He still, thought that I'm an adult regardless numerous times explaining the truth to him.
I'm just a kid. I have my right to laze around and pretend like 2012 is not coming.
Arh...Some friends just see me old when talking seriously with me.
(Simply old, not mature)
Funny to say, people who know me in real life will only link me to immature image.

He was not drunk today, and was happy to see me online.
As I was more badly hurt today, I could hardly comfort him like I used to do.
He should realize this too seeing my appearance in that world.
I wouldnt go there unless something unpleasant drove me.

From the bottom of my heart,
Im really happy to've someone whom I dont really know but we can talk.
I'm not afraid leaking out my secrets to him.
This old man lol of age 30+ is truly my refuge,
providing a safe place for me to calm my mind.
He understands how I feel as well, maybe he really thinks I'm at his age.
The kind of thinking has influenced the impression towards me.
Well, I'm not at my late 30s as he is, somehow we share the same problem.
We are overwhelming by emptiness and loneliness.
I have everything I want, just the matter that, I need some emotional and mental support.

I'm not sure about the cause, could it be related to years of doing things alone?
Consequently, I'm so used to live alone, till fate decides to make me so.

He told me he was all alone, no gf, no family, no noone...
I understood his feeling, I swear now! I felt so deeply!
But, dude, I was not in a good mood too.
How did you expect me to find way to mend your broken heart?
I couldnt just tell you that I was too, about to lose my mind today?
And, you shut the hell up....
You need to know the reason why I was there, and so, you'd see me.

You offered me something today.
I know that's the strategy to keep me from leaving there.
Sadly, I need to overcome something.
I've to back to my own little chaotic world to fulfill some damn missions. << lol
Although your offering was tempting but apparently, the real world is a better place for me.

Dude, I hope you can be my friend forever.
I need a place to speak...about anything private.
I can keep your feeling, I dont mind only the bad ones you ask me to keep for you.
But, you must also keep mine with you in returns, then bring it away from me.
So, I'm safe....

I'm facing problem now, I dont know how to go through this moment.
You're 2 times the number I am. I'm sure you had that problem too.
Now, I'm still like a kid and suffocated by something.
I've so many thoughts and feelings spinning in my mind,
I know you'll understand how I feel if I really voice out.

You dont like competition too, right?
I know you, because we're having the same fate.
So, we do share some other similarities..........

I wish you well, dont be so moody.
Get ready for listening my good news which I hardly make one for sharing.

And yeah,
I wont forget what you've requested me to do...
you poor beggar. LOL


I'm not respiring.
Do thing slowly, Chin Ang.

Thursday 8 September 2011

Miss Sujatha

We all love the many exercises given by Miss Sujatha.This's the 1st time I ever see a class of students never really complain about getting too much of homework to do.The lecturer gives us confidence in speaking,guides us step by step,to learn the subject efficiently.She actually plans for us in the sense of helping us to improve.I believe most of her students will rate her 5/5 on AES in appreciation of her effort.She is a very responsible teacher and definitely deserves more than a 5/5 rating.It is my 2nd semester in MMU,and this has made me so proud to be here.Through Miss Sujatha I'm convinced that quality teacher ensures quality education.Thus,we are quality students under MMU's 5 years of quality learning.A thousand thanks to Miss Sujatha & MMU.

I hope I never overly wrote her on AES.
I think she's awesome.

Patience is not virtue!!!!!!!!! Fxxk wrong!

Great explosion.

I have lost my temper. Dont ever think I'm stupid, it's me letting you all leeching.
Apparently, you fond of playing mind games around. This is not the thing you should do.
Since you're the cause of the problem and causing me going so far to hurt myself, trust me,
you will be regretful of your stupidity for bringing out the issue.

You are wrong.

Sunday 4 September 2011

H - Having
A - Anger
T - Towards
E - Everybody
R - Reaching
S - Success

Friday 2 September 2011

The beautiful seed

Whenever I'm unhappy,
I will definitely think of my parents about how they had gone through their days of hardship.
They come from so far, hand in hand.
Together, they walked through adverse situation bravely without complaining.
They accept it.
They do not chase for wealth nor prosperity in life.
A safe and peaceful day will be the greatest gift for them.

I believe that I'm blessed.
I am always protected in the arms of my parents.
They are the angels who come by and wash away my sorrow.
They enlighten my day with light and laughter.
And, make me a healthy and happy boy again.

Thanks for everything given to me.


Have my eyes opened

How great if I can be happy and in a good mood all the time.
Sadly not now.


It has finally come to an end.

Sunday 28 August 2011


Monday 22 August 2011

Always do

I want to write something now, the brain doesnt allow me.

Fulfilling vs Emptiness

Day-dreaming is healthy.

Candid Statement

Do not ever think that you're unimportant to me when I'm not respecting you.
Because, usually those who trust you the most, respect you the least.

Sunday 21 August 2011

 Quoted from somewhere

Thursday 18 August 2011


现在的人,有小小成就就沾沾自喜,到处欺善怕恶 。


What goes around comes around,

Monday 15 August 2011

I really really really have to stay strong.
: )

HIS winsome smile.

I love my blog.
I feel lighter NOW.

It's the best best friend of mine!


This is just futile!

In the long long journey of life, you may lose the spirit to go on when troubles come.

If you believe in fate,
then you probably apprehend that no matter how much effort you give,
it doesn't really change the truth in the end.

We are all powerless, we don't even have rights to control our own lives.
We truly are minute in this universe.
We need to spend centuries of time trying to figure out thing that is happening to us.
Still, we are fooled by our owns perceptions.

Humans, can never go against what has planned.
If we're cursed to suffer in this world of living,
and restricted to even go beyond what is preordained,
then why are we here?

I used to read some books or watch some documentaries about it.
There is no place called Hell.
It is only an imaginary place comes from humans' inability to escape from tragedy and hardship which is inescapable.
If Hell does exist,
then you should be happy enough to know that,
it is the place where you're living currently.
because, this world of living is undoubtedly Hell!

Isn't it the best thing to know about when the most frightening thing is no more than what we are experiencing?

The mystery about the world or even our self is always incomprehensible.

Danger that strikes, tragedy that comes about are the series of lessons.
In fact, they are the only solution to the doubts and questions we have.

Ever wonder why?
Because, they open our eyes to the answer, telling us to accept,
reminding us of the painful events and be contented.


I have lots of unspoken words spinning in my mind.
Too many thoughts that I need to voice out.

I'm seeking peacefulness of mind.

The Answer

I believe You are the answer to every tear I’ve cried
I believe that You are with me,
My rising and my light.

Give me strength when I am weary
Give me hope when I can’t see
Through the crosses I must carry
Lord, bind my heart to Thee

That when all my days are over
and all my chores are done,
I may see Your risen Glory
Forever where You are.

corrinne may

Tuesday 9 August 2011

Well I tried,
but I had to draw the line,
and still this question keeps on spinning in my mind.

If we could only turn back time,
But I guess we'll never know,
We'll never know.....



伤不起 。


Sunday 7 August 2011


Saturday 6 August 2011

And You Dont Remember?

Shattered dreams
Cut through my mind
Tragically our love has died
Memories confine my head
Bitterly I face the end

I gave my soul to you
I let you inside
Believing your lies

And you don't remember
Every time you told me
You were mine forever
For eternity

And you don't remember
How you used to hold me
How we'd melt together
How you needed me
How we used to be in love

Stranded here
In nothingness
With only tears
And loneliness

I gave my soul to you
I let you inside
Believing your lies

I fell so deep
I was so naive
To let you in
Why did I let you in
To my heart

And you don't remember
Anything that you told me
You were mine forever
For eternity
I know you don't remember
How you used to hold me
How we'd melt together
How you needed me
How we used to be
In love

          ~Mariah Carey~
Definitely one of the best song

Start Life Afresh

I need to see,
I need to hear,
I need to feel,
I need to think,
I need to plan,
I need to learn,
I need to realize,
I need to change,
I need to improve,
I need to be strong,
I need to be thoughtful,
I need to be calm and still,
I need to be better and thankful.

Sunday 31 July 2011

Everybody's Grudge.

I am very moody lately.
I tend to scold people around me.
Should I throw the tantrum?
A BIG yes here!
Because, you're the blacksheep,
wasting my energy serving your needs.
You use me like this is definitely not prudent AT ALL!
You will get the retribution soo soon and sooo unexpectedly.

I know people may start to avoid me.

If you 're one of them who tryna avoid me.
Let me tell you, this is so in vain because you will need my help sooner or later.

I'm so NOT improving lately,
my skill has become obsolete,
my knowledge is insufficient for me to surpass many things.

I'm in the deep trouble lately,
I think I really need to learn something this semester.
This is gonna be something deadly to me,
if I dont find a way to overcome it!

If you're my friend, please do not hold me back.
Save your time and energy to pray for me or assist me when I'm in desperate need of help.
If you stab me at the back or curse me when I'm not around.
I wont hate you, because everything will come back to you one day.

If you're my friend,
read this,
and understand every single word I write.

I'm not always free,
I dont even have enough time for myself.
I use my very own private time to help you, you and you!
I wasted my sleeping time to do everything behind the scene!
It's ok if I am not rewarded.
How shocking it is, when I am blame for everything.
Hey, did you ever say thanks to me?
Ask yourself tonight before sleeping.
I deserve the nightmares in the middle of  night, if you answer YES.
Because this is SO not true!

I am not everybody's servant,
even if i were the servant,
please do not take me like granted.

I try to be kind, nice, mild and meek.
Dont think I am so stupid who know nothing.
Thinking me in this way only show how retarded you're.
Yes, you're retarded.
So damn retarded.

Wondering why?
Because we are all in the game.
We are all being played by fate.
And, it's like a cycle.
No matter it is good or bad happens to me today, it's coming to you the next turn.

So, if you think you're good enough to control this game,
then go for your bed and continue your brainless dream.

Frankly speaking, you're not good enough to fool around,
neither have you the ability to manipulate others thinking.
How moronic!
Shame on you!

R.I.P Amy Winehouse

Saturday 30 July 2011

Inevitable Disasters

Life is like a series of nightmares, it's like when you wake up from bad dreams and you face the real ones.

Friday 29 July 2011


I need to find a way to speak out something which I cannot share it here ASAP.
I fear I will be ill if I keep this for myself.

Wednesday 27 July 2011

The Given Chance

Thanks to Guru Gan's effort. I've ultimately gone through all these...

I cant find a better word to describe how I feel now other than Gratitude.

Friday 22 July 2011

A step further

That particular period is extremely crucial for me.
It's going to be an important moment for me in overcoming some fears that I always have.
I am at the second stage now and what I'm going to deal with is really vital for my future goal.

I strongly believe that I am so blessed from time to time.
I am given numerous chances while I was at my most desperate situations.
There is one thing for sure, HE is there, always, hearing my request.
I truly appreciate it, and I swear I will succeed in carrying out this task.

Getting to know HIM and living in a life which is full of HIS creations,
I know I am always protected, assisted, defended, trained, blessed and loved.
With these, I know I will be a loved and successful person in the not-so-far future.


I swear to myself,
I will continuously move on stage by stage,
to pass HIS words,
and tell HIS existence,
to the rest of the world.


Thursday 21 July 2011

Wednesday 20 July 2011


It upsets me so much when I made some careless mistakes again and again.
After the quiz today, I thought I have learnt the lesson to concentrate while answering the questions.
Obviously, I didn't make it.

Tomorrow's challenge is NOT gonna be so easy.
English, scoring a better mark for this paper is always a pain in the ass.
I do not expect much from it....

As I really have problem with mind concentration.
I just wish tomorrow I can atleast stay focused with my sight, mind and hearing.

Please let me finish answering the paper.
I find it silly to leave some parts blank.

Work has been piling up like a hill at the corner of my room.

Something is the major part of my life, and I seriously think I'm losing it.

I'm so not ready yet.
Does anyone pls help me out?

Monday 18 July 2011







Saturday 16 July 2011

看懂,听懂,明了的人  真的是一个人。。。都没有。








Friday 15 July 2011

The Refuge

I love my blog so much.
It's good for me.
It's a place for me to be my true self.
I dont have to pretend.
I dont need to socialize as well.
No lies here.
Only peace in mind.
Whenever I'm lonely or depressed.
It's a place for me.
I can voice out anything in my mind anytime.
I no longer have to keep everything to myself.
It's a great relief.
I think I'm safe from the totally insane world.

:-) Just smile

What If?

Life is full of possibilities...
Today you burst into laughter,
tomorrow, you might be washing your face with tears.

Life is full of surprises...
Today you enjoy the long-waited moment,
tomorrow, you might be regretful of what you have had.

Life is harsh and fragile...
It is all about: sadness, empty promises, disappointments and loneliness.

Do not hate life.
It is the best teacher you can ever find.

Do hate life.
It misguides the weakened souls.

Indeed, life is a confusion.
You'd never know what it is.

Tuesday 12 July 2011


I swear,
I'm not procrastinating.
I am a human as well,
like you are.

I'm so not over-demanding this time.
Can I have 5 minutes nap, please?

25 minutes-Micheal Learns To Rock

Monday 11 July 2011


At the end of the day,
faith is a funny thing.
It turns up when you do not really expect it.

It's like one day,
you realize that the fairytale is slightly different than you dream.

....and that is not important if it's happy ever after.
Just that is happy right now.

"Stranded here
In nothingness
With only tears
And loneliness"

~And You Don't Remember-Mariah Carey~

The way that each of us thinks makes the major difference in where each of us arrives.

-Jim Ron

Sunday 10 July 2011


I'm not always in a good MOOD.
I'm STRESSFUL with the responsibility over my shoulder.
I CANT help myself most of the time.
In order to ease my PAIN,
I EAT my ass off.

I think I'll be FINE after eating.
However, this is so NOT gonna happen.
I eat more and MORE each time I feel like to EAT!
I'm so sick of MYSELF.
I'm sick of who I AM.

If you're lost you can look,
and you will find me time after time;
If you fall I will catch you,
I'll be waiting time after time.....

Time After Time-Cyndi Lauper  


Better Man-Robbie Williams

Send someone to love me
I need to rest in arms
Keep me safe from harm
In pouring rain

Dont know WHY?


Where are you and I'm so sorry
I cannot sleep I cannot dream tonight
I need somebody and always

Saturday 9 July 2011

Knowing is better than wondering;
Sleeping is better than waiting.

Friday 8 July 2011





What Can I do-The Corrs

Living a life

My current life is all about 3R.


and also,


From a Distance-Nancy Griffith

Thursday 7 July 2011


I think I have severe depression.

I'm suffering.

Champagne Supernova-Oasis

Wednesday 6 July 2011


God, my Father,

may I love You in all things and above all things.
May I reach the joy which You have prepared for me in
Nothing is good that is against Your Will,
and all that is good comes from Your Hand.
Place in my heart a desire to please You
and fill my mind with thoughts of Your Love,
so that I may grow in Your Wisdom and enjoy Your Peace.

Sleep tight-Celine Dion

Tuesday 5 July 2011


Through prayer, 
I sought and found trust with others;
I regained confidence and realized the potential that lied within;
My eyes were opened with devotion;
My soul was strengthened with determination and sacrifice.

Through prayers,
I was convinced about the role of existence;
I was taught to accept and look on the brighter side.

By praying and praying,
my life became notable for believing;
my request was granted....

The Answer-Corrinne May

Sunday 3 July 2011


成功的背後 嘸知有多少苦楚

阮選擇的路 一定堅持到成功

堅定的心伴阮向前走 請你會記著阮的名

有人出世著好命 阮是用命底打拚

嘸驚失敗慢慢向前走 運命不是天註定

只要用心來打拚 一定唱出阮的名


Accounting 如果你叫我死死的跟着步骤做,我想我会。可是,很多东西我还是想不通为什么要酱。头晕到要死。我只是要想到每一课的连接点在哪里。。。我真的很想变一本书出来读。lecture note根本就是大便。我都不懂我在学什么,因为我觉得读lecture note很像在死背做法一样。我不要!我不要!

Saturday 2 July 2011

Bosom Friend

Part 1

     "Country roads take me home, to the the place I belong......" I was chilled to the bone when I was singing the song and strumming the guitar simultaneously at the roadside which throng of people passed by. It was my second year stint in a faraway country and was another frosty winter. Great cold and loneliness fully overwhelmed my weak and skinny body. Nonetheless, I was still there, sat at the corner of the street singing in the crowd as I pinned all my hope on this loathsome career to earn some money to proceed my life.

     That was a wintry somnolent Sunday dusk, my eyes were stinging from the chilled wind and my throat was as dry as a bone in such an extreme weather. I clearly remembered that I took the last swig of champagne which I ever afforded to buy to take the chill off that time. The taste of the champagne was the best in the world! Still, it was a glimmer hope for me to catch the people's attention with my voice when the people were getting fewer as the night had finally fallen. As I was one of the homeless people of no fixed abode, I just simply found a strategic spot to stay temporarily throughout the night.

     At the still of the winter night, the sound of footsteps on the street broke the stillness. It was them again! I couldn't afford to pay off the permit to stay here again. They were a bunch of hoodlums who intended to bully and snatched the little penny that I spent days to earn it. I was truly on the rack when the hoodlum's despicable action to grab away the money from me. Nevertheless, I could only defend myself shortly as I was being beaten unconscious.

     At that moment, I thought that my life would have been culminated under the gangster's beat to death. However, I was saved by her and survived........

Part 2 and 3

I wrote this when I was Form 4, that's years ago...
Sadly, I've lost the part 2 and 3. If you like this, then I might re-write the next parts in advance.

Your Song-Elton John 
Walk of Life-Billie Piper

Friday 1 July 2011


The Angel In The Disguise

After some time of stumbling and fumbling,
I finally see some light dispersing in the darkness.

Thanks to Albert Fang and Gan Gan who help me numerous times.
May God bless you.

Before forgetting, I'd like to wish Albert Fang, many happy returns of the day!!

Lost-Micheal Buble

It's In The Mind, Not In The Eyes...

In the bleak, cold and somber dimension, he is surrounded by the darkness.
The feeling is so intense in the gloomy atmosphere,
where he can only see hopelessness and the bleak future.

Every single mea culpa is filling up the dimension.
It's suffocating him, makes him struggling to breath.
The weep of mournful dusk is so ear-piercing;
The tear of grudged soul is flooding the place.
His world is spinning in his eyes;
His mind is totally coloured by confusion and guiltiness.

His time is so close to an end.
The sense of guilt and disastrous mental abuse are finally overpowering him.
Everything is slowing down in his eyes,
and it is so quiet and motionless around him.
He knows, soon, he will be no longer around.
He just hopes the cessation of his life could end his misery...
once and forever.....

Back To The Rivers Of Belief-Enigma

Thursday 30 June 2011

26, March = 8

May God bless you, buddy.
Monash is the place for you.

Although I'm too far away from where you're now,
you always have my blessings.



Wednesday 29 June 2011


I wonder, if I activate my brain, would it be harmful or a little bit risky?

If I do that, the progression would be greatly improved.

E.T.-Katy Pery

Drop Dead

It's been a long day for me, I worked and I was all ready to reap, reap the reward that I thought I was supposed to get...

As usual, thing would never ever happen like I expected,
it just turned my stomach...
I am sick of describing how it's like when misfortune comes about.
It's indeed a doom to your world, which eventually takes away your dignity and confidence.
Instead of making fool of you,
it brings hardship to you and traps you in adverse situation.
When you are engulfed in darkness, it tortures you until the end of time
...til you no longer possess the ability to go against it.
...wears you down day by day and ultimately, you are silent by it!

This is for whoever currently experiences this moment of agony.
If you by any chance see him, do bring some light to his world.
You can lend him a helping hand by guiding him to leave the darkness.

When you find him, open your eyes and look at him,
he is truly adorable, so much innocence.
People can never know he was once happy and contented. 
He has been victimized after all.
Most of the time, he probably just needs a hug.

If he's someone around you today,
do approach him and tell him that he's not alone,
and convince him that the journey is no longer arduous.

Chin Ang

Note To God-Charice

Sunday 26 June 2011


I know this won't bring me far,
and I know very well that it ain't be easy,
especially for realize this childhood dream.


I swear I will live on that land some day
and survive....

I will try my best, go all out...

The Man Who Cant Be Moved-The Script


My heart is ached with pain and my throat is choked with unspoken words.

"I'm falling into pieces, when a heart breaks, no it don't"

Saturday 25 June 2011

The journey is long with miles to go before I sleep..

Miles To Go (Before I Sleep) - Celine Dion

I would walk to the edge of the universe for you
Paint you a crimson sunset over sheltering skies
I could learn all the world dialects for you
Whisper sonnets in your ear discovering truth
I could never worship pagan gods around me
I will only follow the path that leads me to you baby... always

Every step I take for you
I will always defend, never pretend
That every breath I take for love
I could never be wrong, the journey is long
With miles to go before I sleep, miles to go before I sleep...

I would carry the rock of Gibraltar just for you
Lifted like a pebble from the beach to the skies
I could build you a bridge that spans the ocean wide
But the greatest gift I give you would be to stand by your side
Some can criticize and sit in judgment of us
But they can't take away the love that lives inside us always

Every step I take for you
I will always defend, never pretend
That every breath I take for love
I could never be wrong, the journey is long
With miles to go before I sleep, miles to go before I sleep...

I won't run from the changing signs along the highway
Let the rivers flow to the highest ground created

Friday 24 June 2011


I just attended Anthony Neely's 2nd Promo in Malaysia.

Although I was not so interested on Anthony Neely and his performance lol...?
But, I showed up eventually.
I've to admit that I had great time with friends enjoying the "Mini Concert"-->I'm not sure if it even is...

I'm so thankful that, this gang kept a seat for me despite I came in late.
No doubt Gan, Jas, Lily, Neo and Albert are they. Umm, I think Lily's BF was there too.
Also, I actually get to know some new friends through them too.
I hope I have perfect memory to remember their names.
If my memory still serves me right, they are Z-yuann and Gan's BF.

Well, I know I was quite rude and cold towards new friends as I didn't greet them nicely.
I didn't even talk much with these bosom friends as well.
Nonetheless, from the bottom of my heart, I was so touched today.
But, I wont tell you the reason. :)

When hanging out with them, lots of joke always revitalize me.
We burst into laughter by Lily's silly antics from time to time.
Lily, who always has a fine sense of humour always makes us happy.

Again, I didn't talk much when I was outside.
People may have started to think weird of me. Haha
I hope I didn't cause trouble again?

Please don't mind me.
My sincere apologies.

The Blower's Daughter-Damien Rice

Thursday 23 June 2011

Return To Innocence-Enigma


Don't be afraid to be weak
Don't be too proud to be strong
Just look into your heart my friend
That will be the return to yourself
The return to innocence

If you want, then start to laugh
If you must, then start to cry
Be yourself don't hide
Just believe in destiny

Don't care what people say
Just follow your own way
Don't give up and use the chance

To return to innocence

That's not the beginning of the end
That's the return to yourself

The return to innocence

Ask a stranger When ?

It's been about a month since the school reopened.
In this trimester, I start to look thing from different perspectives.
I view thing in slightly a better way compared to last time.
I sleep, eat and play twice as much........

Do I become happier?
I can't answer it....

There's something which keeps me wondering somehow...

Longer-Dan Fogelberg

Wednesday 22 June 2011


While enjoying Rihanna's MTV as usual, hilariously, I read some funny comments.
If you're too busy to view them somewhere yourself, there you go:

For starters, I am a Ma'am. I thought I was speaking very good English since I have a Master's in Education and am working on my Ph.D. It's not about politics; it's about having a moral obligation to be mindful about what you are putting out there that can further influence a demographically, disadvantaged group of women who have already been victimized by a society that says it is okay to wrap your talents in skimpy bras and panties because sex sells and men are buying!

Tuesday 21 June 2011

A spooky sensation

Life Long Lock...

I screwed up my presentation today, although no mark was counted for it.
I feel guilty to myself and my group members,as I truly understand how everyone was stressful and struggling for the preparation of presentation.
I don't like to see OUR effort went down the drain, seriously.

After the awkward moment, friends started to bombard me with  questions like,
"Why didn't you include your friend's name in the slide? Isn't him a member of your group?"
Sounds like accusing, but it's really okay for me 'cause I deserved the blame.
Despite explaining and apologizing numerous times, some people tend to bring the conversation to an end by telling me to realize my mistake, and never repeat it again.

Frankly speaking, I had bad experience previously while presenting computer stuffs.
So, this time, I really meant to do something complete, to fascinate myself maybe?
All I wanted to accomplish was simply present it atleast slightly better than previously.
Apparently, I failed again.

Today isn't a fun day for me.
But, I actually enjoy it.
I know saying this is like contradicting myself,
how am I going to explain this to you?

When I was busy answering questions,
I lost my old dirty transparent file, I've something which I put inside it for daily reference
but nvm... life is like that. Haha
All that is required us to do is, to accept and forgive, then let it go.

Take a bow-Madonna
Take a bow-Rihanna

Monday 20 June 2011

A guy who constantly throws a tantrum

Today was just like a normal day.
I thought things would be fine, nah, no thing was getting better.
I scolded someone again....quite fiercely.

I dont like to see those kids doing things indeed.
If I ever did this, my family will just end my life.
So, behave, k?
I dont scold really....

Confession of a broken heart-Linsay Lohan

Sunday 19 June 2011


im so lazy to move my body
i havent finished studying
presentations, assignments, projects, quiz, exams, revision
there're many more things waiting me to complete
can someone freeze the time, so i dun need to face them

i just created my new FB acc, tryna escape from my old mates' mockeries
i noe that im not doing as good as they are
whenever i came online, somebody must pm me asking abt my achievement.
they're indeed driving me insane lately

although im quite well atm, somehow there are some despicable hoodlums in my class
what can i do, i cannot hate them, or poke my eyes, saying that i dun see 'em
all i do is by praying, that they dont look me up for trouble.
This is not only a health hazard but eyesore!...?

someone from an established school is graduating soon, omg wut am i doing here
i just wonder if i could do as good as they do in advance
curiosity and doubt keep besetting on my mind

i hope i do this not 'cause im forced to do so
im not being pessimistic, im juzz unhappy and dissatisfied.
or do i mix up dissatisfied with unsatisfied...?

'a flower' just taught me a lesson the other day.....
'it' said if you cant be Einstein, you will be insane then.
"its" words may be true, nonetheless, from the bottom of my heart,
i really hate to listen to such kind of comment,
less constructive, makes me feel the tension again.
..........she doesnt mean it after all.

i dont like to have any interaction with any teachers in this world
some years ago, my English teacher told me face to face that if you were as good as 'top 1'
then do it.
i didnt ever expect he could say that to his student who was inquisitive.
he just hurt his student right at his vital-point, that he could barely survive following the incident.

.........Nevertheless, Im still ALIVE now ^^
I'm stronger and....I stand on my own feet.--->That not many can do the same thing as I do.

truly, deeply and madly-savage garden

Another Sad Story

I'm so tired today, keep thinking of something.

I do want to rest my mind sometimes.

It's Father's Day today, my parents didnt pick up my calls.
I wonder what's happening there.

Everyone is busy doing their stuffs, everyone gets lonely without realizing it. Often, people just smile and laugh but from the inside, they're actually bleeding, the pain is so overwhelming. Stress, pain, sorrow, worries will never let these people go, they keep torturing them until the very end of their lives.

At times, I hope things in this world would have a change, no matter the change is huge or just a minor one, I just think it's good to me and many people around the world who is probably thinking what I'm thinking.

"If you just realize what I just realized, then it'd be perfect for each other"
There is a song by Colbie Caillat, she mentioned something in the song.

A Country Folk's Story